A Weather App is a beautifully designed native iOS app. There are tons of weather app in the app store. But we felt only showing weather information is not enough. It’s natural to use words when we tell about weather to others. So the app greets its users with a helpful message about how they should prepare for the day based on the current weather condition and our clever algorithm.
The iOS app is approved by apple and currently in test flight for beta testing with early users.
Before designing the weather app we asked ourselves why we need another weather app and how we can make it better other existing apps in the app store. So researched lots of weather related apps and asked users about their experience who use different weather apps daily. Based on our internal research and user feedback we made lots of quick prototypes and played with many concepts.
Since it’s our in-house project, we had the freedom to explore more. After many iterations, we finalise the design and tested many weather APIs. We were looking for few specific fields which were needed for developing our own algorithms. We tested the third party API and our algorithms for different weather conditions. Once we are satisfied with the initial test we completed the app in very short period time.
Most of the weather apps provide lots of information. We wanted to make it simple but helpful for our users. So it was challenging to come up with the right balance. When a third party API is used in an app often the performance is dependent of the on the API so we optimised the API call to improve the performance. Moreover as constant use of GPS data can drain the phone battery, we minimised the use of device GPS to make the app more energy efficient.
ClientPinroServicesDesign, Development