Yndica Ltd is an exciting London-based startup offering an innovative retail platform for small independent companies, designers and craftsmen to showcase their products in a fast-moving high-visibility retail environment. Yndica offers a viable alternative to the more overcrowded web shopping channels.
Yndica wanted to create a seamless experience between digital and physical world. To implement this vision we developed Yndica mobile web app. When users are nearby Yndica pod, they can see the physical product and when want to buy one, the web app will allow them to scan the product tag from pod on the go and buy it within seconds from their mobile phone. Moreover activities like scan and buy, share, review will generate tags for the user and collecting five tags will offer them discounts for further purchase.
At the beginning, we built a quick prototype to test the idea and the use of third party API. We started with drawing the rich picture of the idea using pen and paper with Yndica team. It helped all of us understand the system better and put everybody on the same page. Based on the rich picture we generated detailed activity diagrams, user journeys, and other user experience documents. Once user experience is completed, we designed the user interface of the app. As client was involved in the process, it helped us to avoid any confusion or misalignment. For developing the app, at first, we built the Yndica API so that we can use the same backend infrastructure for the mobile web app and upcoming native ios and android app. The mobile web app was developed using the latest framework to give the user an app-like user experience from the mobile browser.
The use of third party image recognition API in mobile web app was challenging. We had to test APIs from most of the providers to select the most suitable one. Since the app has to scan custom made tag instead of standard QR or barcode, we had to make sure the app recognizes correct product and done not confuse between similar tags. Another challenge was to ensure consistent performance among different mobile browsers.
An innovative mobile web app which provides rich and intuitive user experience from their mobile phone without downloading any app.
ClientYndicaServicesStrategy, Design, Development